
Thursday, December 31, 2015


Today I learned that neither of the two pieces which I submitted to the SAQA My Corner of the World - Canada show were selected by the juror. I was struck that my first reaction was relief. I think there are several reasons for that response. First, it is clear from seeing the work that was selected that the juror had a very clear vision for this show and that my small p political and quite negative pieces did not fit that vision. Don't get me wrong - I am truly happy for those whose work was selected and for the fact that the juror did have a grand plan. Second, neither of my pieces has a hanging sleeve yet and I didn't want to take the time to stitch one on. Third, and most important, I feel like I have found my 'thing' with the Inspired by CFT series. I have three done now although the last two haven't been photographed. I am quickly moving to the point where I can imbue what I make with the questions and answers that the series represents. In addition, I am working on another big project - stand-alone vessels - in parallel. If either of my pieces had been selected for the My Corner of the World show I would have been distracted and tempted to go down the roads that they suggest.

Now, I am on my own, able to do what I want. And that's the way I like it.

One of my current responsibilities is to be regional representative for SAQA in Atlantic Canada. Although it is not part of the 'job description' I feel a strong responsibility to encourage members to grow as artists and to take risks to increase their learning, and if they want, their profile. I am delighted that seven of the forty artists selected were from this region. On a per capita basis that is a stellar outcome.

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