Every year for some time (maybe twenty years or more?) my mother writes a poem and sends it to her friends as a card on the occasion of the winter solstice. For the last few years I have been involved in the design and production of the card. This year I didn't have much time between getting the poem and the end of a sale at the company that prints the cards. After playing with an initial idea about light coming through cracks in ice, I put together this image. It turned out that Moo.com no longer allows enough lines of text on the inside of their cards so I had to have the cards printed as blanks and my mother tipped in the poem which was printed separately.
The card:
And here's the poem, by Nancy Nielsen
If I tell you
that today I look at
grey sky
bare clattering branches
a scribble of crows
that is true
And if I tell you
that today I see
crows, two by two
buds shining with promise
an edge of light
that too is true
And if I tell you
that I believe the edge of light
that is truest of all
Straight Bay
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